Though I’ve always been a fiction writer by preference, I started writing opinions / arguments about the choice to not parent around 2007-08 under the name Sylvia D. Lucas. That was after having experienced the pressure to reproduce—and the resentment caused by that pressure.

Creating an entirely new human life out of thin air is a monumental act, and yet we’re told anyone can do it, and that everyone should. Just try it, we’re told.

(This casual approach to bringing a person into existence combined with the hypocrisy of the pro-life agenda informed my post-Roe v. Wade novel The Age of the Child.)

Strangers on social media, subtleties in language, and even well-intentioned people impress upon females from the time we can understand words that our future, our purpose, our only fulfillment is motherhood.

It merits a response.


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My personal website

is here.

My novels:

Pretty Much True

The Year of Dan Palace

The Age of the Child

Carol’s Aquarium (short story collection)

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Politely pounding pronatalism to a pulp.


Politely pounding pronatalism to a pulp.